Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Give thanks!

We hope your Thanksgiving holiday was fantastic. We had a lovely time. Thursday was a quiet family day to start with and then we went to the Hosford family Thanksgiving meal. Yum,Yum,Yum! What a fabulous time we had and the food was to die for. Carlson family Thanksgiving was postponed to Sunday due to illness. But what a fanbulous time we had then too. The pics are of the cousins riding in Gracie's new wagon that she got as an early gift from G&G Carlson. Love you all!

This year a few things on the top of our list of Thanksgiving: A happy, healthy Gracie Rae. All the fabulous blessing we receive as a family. The gifts we have been given that we use to bless others. A beautiful home thats warm and dry. Yummy food on the table each and every day. A family that is loving, supportive and very nearby. A cute pet that brings us joy.

We pray that your holiday season is filled with blessing and joy. Know that you are loved by the One True God and He is our ultimate gift this Christmas. May you be happy and healthy all season long.