Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Almost crawling

Mommy, I am gonna get you!
I feel quite comfy right here thank you, I will try crawling again another day. I am pooped.
Ok, well I guess I can keep trying. After all I need to be able to get places on my own.

Gracie has figured out how to get up into crawl position, and she can propel herself forward once and then she flops. She proceeds to roll over onto her back and lay there like she just ran a marathon and is pooped beyond belief. It is a riot to watch her learn and figure out the way her body works. We are just loving watching her grow into the fun little girl she is. She would love to play so stop on over and check out her new tricks.


The Hall's said...

She is so cute! I love her expressions! They almost talk to you!

The Bibler's said...

GO GRACIE, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leticia said...

Watch out world, here she comes :) How much fun! Beware... if she's anything like Madisyn was, she won't know that her forehead exists and may hit it a million times.

The Hansen's said...

SO CUTE, she is growing so big! And she has so much hair!!! Better get ready to get everything baby proofed:)

Anonymous said...

Watch out mom...your life will never be the same when Gracie starts scootin around. Hope you that you are feeling better!