Monday, August 14, 2006

Aubs was back in town!

So Aubs was back in town, what a treat. We spent two separate afternoons together and it was lovely as usual. What a dear friend she is, and so much fun to hang out with. It was lovely to see her and share such a special time in my life with her. She is so in touch with these things and it was great to have her with me. I wish she could stay longer, or come home more often. I don't know, I suppose it is also nice to have some connection through a loved one to the inside world of Asia. Whatever, Love you Aubs and Happy 25th Birthday on the 1st. Sorry we didn't celebrate together. Love you lots!!


Aubrey said...

I love you too, Trace. You are and always have been a blessing from God to me. Spending time with you was absolutely wonderful. I can't wait to do it again. I love you, hun, and miss you already.
Love Aub