Gracelyn is 2 and a half now. She is a crazy kiddo who LOVES life and is on the go always. She is quite athletic and is always trying news things with balls and climbing and such. She is a true beauty and has a heart of gold, but sometimes thinks she is the boss and gets a little lippy. Miss independent always thinks she can everything on her own and is pretty good I must say. She still snuggles great when she's sleepy though.
Olivia is almost 1! Where did the time go? I can't believe she has blessed us for so long already and yet I can't remember a time without her either. She is on the move all the time (usually in the opposite direction from Gracie). She loves walking, running at times, climbing on everything and eating. She is so stinkin cute and really the happiest girl ever. She has a smile to melt your heart for sure. She is finally feeling a bit better after and eye/ ear infection and is back to her old shenanigans. Her 7th tooth is making it's way through and she chomps hard- watch out!
Dan is doing the same ole thing at work and LOVING golf season in MI. He wishes he could find more time for it but with all these cute ladies at home why would he?
I, Tracy am finally changing my work schedule off weekend option. I will be working in the week more and then have most weekends off. I am looking forward to more family time and a few getaways here and there. Still loving my work though.